Saturday, September 25, 2010

Strike While the Iron is Hot


Well today is certainly a new day! I went to bed way early for me and woke up today sore but feeling pretty good. So, when I feel like this I take advantage of it and get some much needed stuff caught up.

So far today I have cleaned my kitchen and 1/2 of the dining room and when my coffee break is over I will resume tearing out some carpeting. That just leaves 2 bathrooms, a bedroom and a living room destroyed - eek! lol!

My son has a borrowed turtle and an aquarium, they are in our dining room....he had to care for a reptile/amphibian for 1 month to earn a merit badge in scouts. Today is turtle's last day with us and then he can go home to his true owner. I mention this because that side of the dining room remains "icky" and will need cleaned after he departs.

I thought I'd post while drinking my coffee - right now, I'm feeling energized and I want to record it. In a while, not so sure how I will feel but this is a good way for me to track my body's rise and fall.

Well, break is over as I'm staring into the empty cup and the carpet is calling to me.

Until next time!

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